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Policy learning and transfer between EU cities and regions is subject to the lack of institutional memory (especially at EU level), seen as a clear risk for the continuity of the learning process. However too much continuity in the process may also block disruptive innovation. The institutional bubble is also seen as disconnected from the reality.


Policy learning and transfer are often ineffective because it highly depends on actions of individuals : fragmented, uncoordinated and not embedded in organizational practices and processes. The transfer of individual learning to organisational learning is then limited because of very little listening and no feedback mechanism.


Limits of the process are also linked to the difficulty of measuring impact of policy learning and transfer and the benefits of networking for EU cities and regions.


Based on participants' lessons learnt, it also appears that transferability and learning are often ineffective with limited capacities to act (low levels of technical capacity and skills) ; lack of understanding (governance, administrative cultures, and professional capacities) and lack of commitment (in the coordination and lead); complex methods and tools; jargon and technical wording.




Limits and lessons learnt